Thursday, May 31, 2012

Law of Herukhuti 5th Neter of the Puat

Protecting yourself from the Injustice of others and Correcting the wrongs that may have been done to you.

People: The ideal way to correct the wrongs of others would be to remove yourself from their presence entirely at least until cooler heads can prevail. This step i place before trying to restrain and/or reform a person because restraint is usually not possible for adults.
Solutions: If you are unable to remove yourself, You can choose to Ignore the source of anger, wrong or emotion by changing your mental image of that person. Try to see them in their best light, ie. smiling laughing or playing. Also you could simply began to think about your favorite food or imagine indulging your hobby etc. The choice is ultimately a function of your will to remain at peace by Not participating in the emotion struggle.

Institutions: The best way to protect yourself from institutional injustice is simply to refuse to participate in their function to the extent that it possible. Their Injustice is more than likely outside of your control.
Solutions: For example if a bank treats your unfairly, it is your will to refuse to use their service. If it was a Gas station you could choose another gas station or do things to decrease your dependence on their product however little it may be. The amount of restraint here is actually irrelevant as the action is taking place only in your mind. To wage war against the institution is to wage war against yourself by abandoning YOUR PEACE and participating in the power struggle who's reasoning is beyond your control. Choose to simply make the necessary adjustment and reserve your energy for your own enjoyment.

Your Self / EGO: The best way to protect yourself from your Left-Brain Rational Doubting EGO is to state what it is your trying to correct or dislike about your self defeating thoughts or behavior.
Solutions: ie, if you dislike the way you response to criticism, then it is your will to remain observant of the fact that criticism is only an emotional trigger IF you except that it is aimed at you. God cannot be Criticised because he is too peaceful to care or entertain the idea, but your EGO/Human/Animal self CAN, because it is trying to protect its EXISTENCE. Be aware of things that you want to change about yourself and catch yourself before entertaining the EGO. Stay God like and view things from this perspective and you will be unmoved by Left Brained Rational. If you rational mind makes statements of Doubt, or try's to move you out of the present The best actions is to simply observe its words (the usual means of communicating doubt) and Began the process of creating Images( Right Brain) of yourself accomplishing the opposite, you will soon see the doubts fade and the images grow. This is shifting the thinking process from left to right creating a balance thinking process and since pictures are worth a thousand words the images will leave the strongest impression on the subconscious mind. This is using the left brain as a reminder to visualise your goal instead of trying to defeat it with force by playing at its game using its tools (words) to rebut its rational. Dont fight the left brain at what it does best, simply use your will to remain at peace by seeking to balance the disharmony by employing your right brain.

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