Monday, July 2, 2012

Native American Meditation For HERU Energy

Elder's Meditation of the Day July 2
"If I destroy you, I destroy myself. If I honor you, I honor myself."
--Hunbatz Men, MAYAN
It is said, when we need love the most is when we deserve it the least. Whenever I have secret thoughts about someone else, it will put bad feelings inside myself. I will hurt myself. If I secretly hold a grudge or resentment against my brother or sister, I will be a slave to that person until I let them go. Let me remember to look at my brother in a sacred manner. Today, let me think like a Warrior. Let my thoughts toward my brothers and sisters be good thoughts. Let me remember that You are in charge. If I get upset at another person today, let me remember that the most important thing I can do is to first talk to You because when I am right with You, it is impossible to be out of harmony with my brothers and sisters.
This Beautiful Meditation comes from the Native American Elders and Matches the energy of Heru amongs others. The understanding that we are all one and to use our imagination to harm others is to harm ourselves. The Will is referred to in the sentence You are in charge. We chose to entertain resentful thoughts towards our brothers and sisters and we through our Will (Heru) can change this at any given moment using the laws of Polarity and Vibration.

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