Saturday, July 21, 2012

Law of Het-Heru/Hathor 7th Sphere of the Puat Neteru

The Focus of the Summer Solstice Months beginning July 21 to August 20. We experience the influence of this Neteru as the desire for Happiness. This Desire can only be satisfied through the law of Het-Heru.

Het-Heru governs the Imagination and is the feminine energy needed to create and manifest our desires, Thus Visualization is key tool of her influence.
This Must be used consciously and wisely as we should NEVER dwell on images that are detrimental to our well being.

Correspondences for Het-Heru are:
Spirit Division for Het Heru/ Hathor: SAHU 
Chakra Attributes
Location= 3rd Solar Plexus
Element = Fire
Color = (Yellow/Bright Red)
Shape = Triangle Visualize (Bright Red) e
Sound = Rang (External) Rum( Internal)
Dieties = Lakini & Braddha Rudra
Hermetic Principle - Causality
Supreme Mathmatics - God
Het-Heru Colour: Green and Yellow
Gems: Diamond, White Coral, Cubit Zircon
Planet : Venus
Day: Friday
Spiritual Hekau: Kling
Planetary Hekau: (External) Aaung___Drang____Dring_____Draung
General Hekau: (External)Vang____Kling_____Sauh
(Internal) Vam___ Klim___Sauh

                     Symbol for Visualization



Spiritual Direction: SouthWest
Mundane Direction: North

Baths/Herbs: Calendula Flowers, Huneysuckle, Yellow Roses, Parsley, Spearmint, Sandlewood
Herbs: Geranium, bay leaves
Incense/Oils: Rose, Sandlewood, Cinnamon, honey suckle

Key Words: Joy, Pleasure, Imagination and Visualization, Wealth, Abundance, Harmony, Manifesting, Arts, Creativity, Beauty, Dance